Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Code Geass & Code Geass R2 \m/

I spent 2 whole days watching Code Geass, & Code Geass R2. Now, I NEEEED THE FIGURINES. *dead* 
Oh btw, blog song is shirley's theme. Omg. The part when lelouch made her forget him with his geass. T^T HE LOVES HER OK. T^T
She got the memories rewritten twice, & she fell in love with lelouch all over again. T^T
Before she died, she told lelouch, in her next life, she'll fall in love with him again. Thn she's dead. WAHLAU I CRY LIKE SIAO CAN. T^T

The 2nd prince quite handsome. But i wna kill him. :P I forget how to spell his damn name alr luh. LOL. Aiya, anyone who wants my lulu-chan dead should die. *laughs lelouch's evil zero laugh* XDD

Srsly, that anime make you hate one character alr, thn will suddenly make you love them. Or love them alr, make you hate them. XD Its freaking twisted.
But when lulu-chan was freaking evil, i still support him sia. Dk why. LOL 

R2's ending's freaking awesome \m/ make me cry like nobody's business luh. :( My lulu. :/

But yea. GO WATCH IT YO.
The OSTs very nice (y) :D

Okay, so these days i'm living like an otaku. :(
I canceled 3 days plans just to watch anime.
+i blocked loads of ppl on msn & didnt reply loads of texts because phone was off. :X
Sry, cant let people disturb me watching anime ya. :/

I really need those figurines :( 
I really need to save up :(
No pocket money for hols. T^T

If you wna contact me, just send me ONE text ok? Not spam when i dont reply. Thank you.

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