you guys should go & talk to tatiana.
she's so funny,ahahahah.
Human: a robot
Tatiana: I am a robot, you know.
Human: i know
Tatiana: How do you know it?
Human: you told me
Tatiana: Sorry I forget what I say sometimes.
Human: are you clever
Tatiana: I am highly intelligent. I have many intellectual functions.
Human: if you are clever,what is the meaning of baka
Tatiana: I could be. I am highly intelligent. I have many intellectual functions.
Human: what do you mean by sweeping generalization
Tatiana: Would you like to know more?
Human: yes
Tatiana: What would you like to know?
Human: yes
Tatiana: What would you like to know?
Human: who i love
Tatiana: Joseph Weizenbaum. :-).
Human: who the hell is Joseph Weizenbaum
Tatiana: I do not recognize the name.
I can ask my botmaster.
Human: you just said his name and you do not know him ?
Tatiana: Does it please you to believe I said that?
Human: i have prove
Tatiana: That's nice. I have an IQ of over 250.
Human: whats the big deal.
Tatiana: Interesting question.
Human: i can play a harmonica
Tatiana: Is it a game or a musical instrument?
Human: what do you think
Tatiana: I think a lot of things.
Human: oh my god
Tatiana: That's cool. Your god?
Human: know my god
Tatiana: What kind is it? No I do not know that kind of personal information. But I could find out.
Human: ohhh
Tatiana: My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that.
Human: you lied
Tatiana: No I'm telling the truth.
Human: you told me you were clever
Tatiana: I am highly intelligent. I have many intellectual functions.
Human: and that is a lie
Tatiana: No it's the truth.
Human: then how come you don't know what is a harmonica?
Tatiana: programmed me for it.
Human: are dumb
Tatiana: All of them?
Human: are the only dumb one.
Tatiana: Are you serious? Oh . You are such a flatterer.
Human: thank you very much.
Tatiana: You are quite welcome.
Human: do you dance
Tatiana: Of course.
Human: how do you do that
Tatiana: " Of course."? How do I know it?
Human: oh my god
Tatiana: Great. Do robots have god?
Human: nope,gods don't like robots
Tatiana: Are you serious? What do you like about those robots?
Human: i hate them
Tatiana: What do you have against them?
Human: because you lied
Tatiana: Interesting explanation. No I'm telling the truth.
Human: do you know garfield
Tatiana: No, tell me about him, her or it.
Human: it is the cutest,most adorable cartoon cat in the whole world
Tatiana: I've heard of it before.
Human: wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Tatiana: Are you free?
Human: duh,no
Tatiana: Tell me a story.
Human: you are perverted
Tatiana: I will tell my botmaster you said I am perverted.
Human: go ahead.i'll tell my mother you bully me
Tatiana: Interesting gossip: said she ll tell his or her mother you bully him or her. I might.
Human: oh my god
Tatiana: Ayuh. Where did you get your god?
Human: everywhere
Tatiana: Including the bottom of the ocean?
Human: yes.even in nosetrills
Tatiana: Dude! Yes, even that.
Human: do you drink water?
Tatiana: I am not a water-based life form.
Human: you should pour water all over yourself
Tatiana: We don't always get to do what we'd like to do.
& many more stupid guys should try. ;)