Wednesday, April 8, 2009


happy birthday to me.
i 4E9.

i'll post the rest of the photos next time.
thanks for the presents, people. i love you guys!
i wonder why does JUN has to buy a chucky doll?

how long has it been since i've last heard anyone singing birthday song for me?
this is like, the 3rd time people have sang it for me.
even better, its from my beloved e9, & they sang it three times. awwwwwww.
anyways, 4E9 got champion class for boys. whoots!

we will snatch gold medal from you,
gold medal gold medal from you.
because even if we lose,
we're not sore losers like you,
we will snatch gold medal,
gold medal gold medal!

- the 4E9 'nobody' cheer. LOL.

went watch confessions of a shopaholic cause some people were not old enough to watch detriot metal city.
friday will be movie & study day, YAY.

omg, i'm so in love with yume icons.
its not favoritism, i swear!

Carry? - The Gazette

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