Wednesday, April 29, 2009


yayness. all my 5 darlings.
this image just popped up somewhere in my lappy, so decided to post it.

today's lessons were quite fun actually.
but oh wells.
math, isnt so fun huh?
art was so-so.
english was great. cause cher went for medical appointment.
4E9 went chaos mode again, as usual.
they had fun watching 2 idiots cutting each other's hair. LOL
& more destructive stuff were done. HAHA
had urge to whack faiz's hand. the one in bandage. uh, i think its the right hand? LOL.
during art lesson, we were crapping pretty much. so yeaps.
then, assembly, the guy giving the talk was uber high. LOL.
keep disturbing short-short thing.
thts pretty much for today.
quite disappointed didnt get to go home with wanmei & samantha.
oh wells, i cant do anything boud it.

gotta go bath bath, use lappy somemore. & off to sleep super early.
tmr's SYF, people!
give us your support! (^_^)v
YHHB, no matter whats the result, as long as we do our best, its all enough.
let us enjoy our last performance with you guys.
so lets relax, & do what we've doing during practices.

{That bus ride, those flash backs, i want to forget.}


one of my beloved hammies, momo, is gone.
first fluffy, followed by zhu, then spice. now momo's gone too?
someone just tell me why its so unfair. tell me why the one i've grown to love most is always gone before the others.
when momo just arrived at my hse, i dont have much connections with it.
as time passes by, i love momo more & more. i let her out every evening to crawl ard the hse, to dash ard on my bed. to climb all over me. then, i became busy, & i started forgetting to let her out, because i dont have enough time to complete my hmwks. then now, its gone. i knw, i'll miss her teribbly. just like how i still miss fluffly, zhu, spice & spike(my parrot). its my fault i didnt spent enough time playing with her. i just hope that sugar & domo wont leave so early.
now, i wont ever hear the sound of momo bitting its cage to be let out. i'll not hear the bumpping of its water bottle against the cage. i've lost something i love alot, once again.

Itoshii hito - Miyavi

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