Friday, April 24, 2009

will we be the same tomorrow?


okay, so today's so-so.
i'm totally pissed about chem re-test.
& i so feel like tearing the whole bloody paper.
i mean,
what chemical substance has iodide, iron(III) & ammonia in it?
iron(III) ammonia iodide?
LOL, okay. i dont know wth that is.
i left my answer as that, which is a 101% incorrect ans.
oh my,
i'm dead meat.
damn it.
chinese test was shit as well.
how the hell am i supposed to understand those.
sectional was alright.
after combine, me & liping were isolated by veron. *sobs*
veron mean luh!
then i was playing with some stick & it almost felled into the drain.
after tht, i saw harmo room still have the light on.
so telled them, then close off light.
i have great eyesight, *proud-ness*
so ya. chatted with shijie at void deck, then headed home.
were talking about some stuff.
on the bus, (part of conversation)

SHIJIE : if your 108 idols, plus your future husband all drop inside sea & they dont know how to swim, who will you save?
YITIAN : my future husband luh dey.
SHIJIE : oh! i see.
YITIAN : my future husband IORI mahs.
SHIJIE : ...
SHIJIE : if your REAL husband did something bad & felled into sea lei?
YITIAN : obviously IORI. why save the stupid husband if he had did something bad? & iori's more handsome. *goes on & on about the GREATNESS OF IORI*
SHIJIE: ... *ignores me*

LOL. so yeaps. super idiotic, i know.
my future husband = UEDA TETSUROU / IORI.

i'm totally over-reacting after watching ayabie's Cubic [L/R] Rock pv.
LOL. they are so super cute
& oh my, aoi!!!!!
when they switch positions, aoi just kills me.
he plays the drum & the drumsticks go flying~
to view the pv, click here.

{A thousand paper cranes.}

Pixy False - Phantasmagoria

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