Sunday, March 1, 2009

teru! :D
oh, ignore me. i'm totally obsessed with teru currently. X) he is so friggin' kawaii in PVs. :D:D:D
alone at home again today. ):
i miss mama very much. my right hand still little swollen. TT needs to read ss, but am not in the mood to. cause i'm worrying bout something so damn much that i cant concentrate.
wont be online if lappy's batt run out. cause only place to plug modem in nias. -.-" so if theres any impt things, contact me thru smsing bahs. (:
scratched my knee, damn it. its bleeding. -.-
stuffed myself with sushi for dinner. have to down to whole plate. so full. if i had known, i wont have made sooooooo much. -.-
i must be crazy man! i love the feeling of aleo vera gel on my wound. got the needle poking feeling. TT wth am i thinking?!?
i'm heartbroken man! ): JUN's finger got blisters. TT click here to view

panda, dont so sad luh. {:

material pain.

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