Wednesday, March 18, 2009


waited for everyone for about an hour.
we were meeting at 9.30
then, everyone reached only at 10.07.
i reached at 9.07 cans.
i tried my best to drag. but then i dont want shijie to wait for too long.
then i went out early. (BIGGEST MISTAKE IN MY LIFE)
i took 10 mins to walk to the interchange. (i took about 3mins usually)
( ̄^ ̄)
after collecting our 'GONGS', we went imm & ate subway for breakfast.
which kept us full the rest of the day.
then, we went chinatooooown!
the mrt ride so fuuun!
lots of donations there, i think.
everyone was tired out.
i love kids man!!!!!!!!
they donate still byebye to me. LOL
tons of ppl question me stuff, then answer them.
alot of old ppl speak to me in english. \(゜□゜)/
so, continue & continue.
then break.
then continue.
mrt-ed back.
on the way, ganga said she dislike ppl taller then her, & said that means she hate jemina & love yuting. LOLLLLLL.
reached, returned 'gongs'.
& FINALLY, DINNNNNNNNER, at cck basement.
the mrt ride was again fun, cause alfred kena tricked.
italian choco cake & coke float!
whoooooooots! yumyum.
okays, so crapped alot.
bought same pencil case as yuting.
then used alfred's & kelvin's phone,
& started doing the picture spamming thing i always did to miner. LOL
i took 600++ pics on kelvin's phone.
cool right? ya i know. HAHA
okay. home-d.
ard 3/4 dead.
tmr meeting yuting, kelvin & alfred to studyyyyy at library.
if they're late, i'll smack alfred again. HOHOHO.

most impt thing,
merry go world-12012

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