Thursday, March 12, 2009

had chem practical today! o(^▽^)o

was fuuuuun!
lessons was fun as usual. & mr wong didnt come up for lesson! LOL~
was trying to force geo facts into my mind, & FAILED.
so, i flunked my geography, BADLY.

after geo, went buy snacks, & up to class with yuting.
then fooled around with some idiots.


so anyways, khairi whacked donnoe how many ppl today with the blue towel.
& i keep telling him to whack alfred!
cause alfred sucks. LOL.
then he whacked iaene, i call him whack more oso.
& faiz told me khairi whacked his butt damn pain. LOL.
he whack liao super red can.
klinton show us khairi whacked place.
& was like, SUPER RED.

yuting's dumb face.


"kawaii" radin.

went to hall after that.
i made my back worse by sitting on the floor super fast. (_ _。)
so ya. i'm at hommmmmme, downloading idols stuff as usual.
i love love aybie~


along with 2nd high.
in hall, juniors were all talking bout perverted stuff, along with a sec 2. then, i complained, veron joined in the perverted talk. wth.

lets hope nao's leg recovers sooooooooon! :D

hikari ni furu ame.

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