Thursday, March 19, 2009

library day! v(^-^)v
early morning, dragged as usual, but was still not late. (major disappointment)
then, saw kelvin, so we both went find place at library first.
was dying of hunger. then, yuting came.
then kelvin went to buy snacks with alfred.
they came back, & me & yuting went the cafe for FOOOOD!
waited for suppper long. was alr dying of hunger by that time, with an uncle sitting near us eating. DAMMMMMMN!
okay, so got our food, & just nice kelvin came down. LOL
ate our food, then kelvin ordered, & his came like, super fast? ( ̄^ ̄)
okay, when done eating. went up.
we just used lappy for the whole time we're there. well, at least i did read my geo.
yuting just felled in love with kai. lol.
so gave her pics of kai. & she's like crazy over it. then kelvin & alfred were gossiping bout schoold reopen got 2 liao. LOL,
decided to go for dinner at imm, so were packing. then, alfred's finger kena cut by the glass stick stick thingy. so tissue was darn bloody. & we left library after his finger stop bleeding.

bags were heavy, so exchanged!
walked to imm, dinner-ed. bought sushis frm giant, & consumed them at garden plaza. forced tons down my throat, so wont waste. & i'm still bloated NOWWWWW.
the walked ard, & they sent me home. cause its super darkkkk.
kelvin suuuuucks! he keep scaring me cans.
actually no need them send me to my hse outside de. then needed it cause he keep scaring me.

anyways, today was fun as hell. o(〃^▽^〃)o

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