Saturday, March 14, 2009

REITA without his noseband on. o(〃^▽^〃)o
band was tiring todayyyy! cause need go play walzer over & over again. the room super cold, & then my back hurt. (x_x;)
anyway, after that, committees stayed back.
while sam's talking, allan played with my handphone & wallet. he like cannot grow up siol. then veron dont want help me take. eeeeee!

then went lunch with miner, veron, melvyn & chenhui.
super funny luuuuuuuuh! everyone laugh like siao. cause we talk about lots of dumb topics. & were sprouting idiotic happenings. (^_^)v
we spend like 2hrs there?
melvyn & chenhui were like bottomless-pits. they ate TONS of food mans!
then someone metioned someone was eatting like a dog. ( ´艸`)
lol. basically, today rocked.


R.I.P JunkoFuruka,
your pain's over now.
TheGazette wrote the song taion as a tribute to her.
if you want to know her story, click here.

last bouquet.

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