Monday, March 2, 2009

he may not be super goodlooking, but he is super duper uber kawaii~ X) heehee.
i love him to death.

school was alright today.
first thing when i reach school, went crazy bout yuki. cause he's blog posts are so kawaii. :x haha. wanmei showed me a stuned face. -.- LOL.
i hate lesson time, cept for chinese & art. reasons cause chinese lesson i get to sit below fan. :p i changed place with minjie. art cause its FUNNNNN! :D i love art lessons! X) paint paint somemore. lectured someone irritationg freak today. :p haha. i hate eugene pung man. -.- he keeps telling me that he passed chinese & i didnt. whacked him using black file. X) ss was not bad today. for some reasons, ms kasturi wasnt herself today. she's like playing with us. LOL. the test sure fail, btw. no extra math, so went mumum with shijie, jemina, marjorie, & tuckchoy. then waited a long time, bus came. X) then board the bus. (:
home - toilet stinks with papa's shampoo. got the herb smell. cause he says it makes hair darker. -.- the herbs stinks man! -.- thou it makes hair darker, it stinks the hair too. :p haha. then spray the whole toilet with this purple thingy. its actually some kinda fragrance, but made of water. cheap cheap only, so bought to spray toilet. then, herb smell still there, so used soap instead. :p now my toilet smells normal again. haha. got a suprise when i saw uniform alr ironed by papa when i reached home. (: HURRAY ! :D haha.
mama's coming back tmr. (:
sprained my back, AGAIN... -.- whole body's aching badly. may be seeing doctor for my right hand soon. :x
i scratched my knee's wound accidentally. hurts man! then put aloe vera gel. so shiok. :x
its raining alr. -.-

panda brand lousy uh! X)

peishan love me to death,
& is my number 1 fan. :D

gentle lie.

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