Saturday, May 23, 2009


Audition thingy today.
well, of course not for me.
hahas. i think everyone know its for, eh?
so no need say.
anyways, rotted in orchard cineleisure til not sure what time.
subway-ed there, & walked ard. saw earrings sold at 0.90 only. bought some.
to heeren. went in, saw HMV. dashed inside, in search for jrock stuffs.
went high when i saw MIYAVI's album. then, searched,
found gazette, alice nine, 12012, ayabie, versailles, & of course tons of other jrock bands.
&& i found Hide's solo album. also, X-Japan's album. like, WHOA.
they have some old bands also. am totally suprised.
Miyavi's new hair is so super nice can. LOL.
love him to death, even thou he's married. haha.
only miyavi's tht album was for sale at 60.95.
all other albums of my idols were for sale at 79.90.
& singles were frm 29.90-35.
OH MY. i want to grab all & go manzx. no $.
after tht, mrt-ed back to JE. & went imm.
pepperlunch-ed & walked ard.
thn took aipoh's cab & alighted at hse downstairs.
today was tiring, seriously.

heres what i've realised.
Korean guys + Plastic surgery = HANDSOME GUYS.
Japanese guys + Makeup = HANDSOME GUYS.
Singapore guys + no makeup + no surgery = so-so guys.

{You just made me crazier.}

Yubisaki - Ayabie

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