Friday, May 1, 2009

Sugar high

i used to think they're a ok band, & their music was alright.
until today.
i went & listened to Amaoto Chopin.
its awesome.
i love yasuno & keiyuu most.
keiyuu was great at playing piano~
OHMY. haha.

just done downloading all of Kra's ablums.
then, i'll proceed with SuG's tmr.

their PVs rock. \m/

Takeru acting with the teddy bear rocks.
Takeru smiling none stop rocks as much.
conclusion, Takeru rocks, ALOT.

Keiyuu is awesommmmmmmmme. & i love him, so damn much.

ever wondered why SuG is named SuG?
because of SuG-oi.
i just found this out while watching the video today. LOL.
they were super highhhhhh.

{Never let go}

Love scream party - SuG

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