Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Gig stuffy.

Angels & Demons
ROCK, damn much.
baddies are always hot.
& good people are just, . . . normal.
Gig stuffy was alright. & would be ALOT better if theres more AIR.
*rolls eyes*
i almost killed myself in tht studio. i mean, wheres the oxygen.
headed to macs with sunbear, penguin & orangutan after tht.
keep playing like idiots. cannot blame. we're animals. HAHA.
haha. okay. now,
i'm too tired for words.

something has made me feel so super down today.
*sad face*

anyways, tmr panda's having concert band practice.
my panda so kelian!

{Dont ever look back.}

Scheat - SuG

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