Friday, May 8, 2009

what those two dreamt last night, searching for the meaning of love, with the stars shining in the sky.

Watch Detroit Metal City & you'll know who he is.
he's adorable!
i know i'm not supposed to be blogging but, oh well.

Amai amai amai kohibitooooo~

amai kohibito rocks. esp when sang be Kenichi Matsuyama on the movie~

ytd went buy mama's present for mothers' day.
with, samatha, raymond, eugene & keanonn.
cant believe keanonn acts like a kid with stuffed toys.

today was alright.
chinese paper sucked pretty much, as expected.

this'll be my LAST post,
til exams ended.

{I dont remember the future, because i decided to skewer the craved-up past.}

ONCE AGAIN - 12012

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