Thursday, May 21, 2009

You are in a part of the gear.

he's the drummer of Arc. & hell, he's adorable!

anw, results sucked.
all were below my target.
failed both chinese & english paper 2. by 2-3 marks.
geography : 37/50
socialstudies : 32/50
chem : 58/65
physic : 41/65
science paper 1 : 30/40
math paper 1 : 42/80
math paper 2 : 52/100

so yeaps. math improved.
science was okay, i guess.
oh wells, at least i maintained the A1 for science.
cause got A1 for mock as well, for science.
need to work harder so i can get A1 for geo, & so combined humans can be pulled up to A2.
& i need to pull up math to B4.
chinese, grats luh. i'm dead meat.
english, first time failing paper 2.
for prelims, i need to score.
damn it.

{While watching the trembling shadow, rationality is mutilated.}

Mad Monster - Detroit Metal City

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